Does your financial situation need to change?

For years, I struggled with debt and couldn’t seem to make ends meet no matter how hard I tried. 

I was frustrated. I couldn’t make ends meet no matter what. By the middle of the month, my money always ran out. 

I was burdened. I struggled with debt and it just seemed to keep getting worse. I wanted a way out but didn’t know what to do.

I was disappointed. My intention was to lead my family well in finances. I wanted my children to have more and to have a brighter future.

Surely there was a better way. I started searching the Bible for answers.

The Moneyverse Ecourse


I read all 2300 verses on money and possessions. I then started reading great Christian books on money. I spent hours and hours reading and learning and praying.

I landed upon a biblical way of thinking and a rhythm of life with my finances that completely changed my life. The results were amazing.

I realized that not everyone could read and study as much as I did. That’s when I heard God tell me to write down what he had shown me so I could help others who were just like me.

First, I wrote the book. Then, I made it even simpler and put it into a 6-session ECOURSE.

In this ECOURSE, I’ll take you through the essential ideas that, if practiced, will revolutionize your financial situation and put you on the path to honoring God and your family with your money.


GOD’S PERSPECTIVE: How to think biblically about money.

MAKE IT: How to earn more and increase your income.

GIVE IT: How to become more generous.

SAVE IT: How to save in a Godly way,

SPEND IT: How to spend your money in a way that grows your wealth.

What People Are Saying About The Moneyverse…