The amount of change in your life is directly proportional to your willingness to be real and vulnerable. In iGroups we tell our real stories, not simply our testimonies. We believe freedom comes when we’re willing to walk in the light.

Jesus asked 307 questions in the gospels. This was a primary tool he used in his discipleship. In iGroups we learn to ask Spirit-led questions to break the sin that entangles us and to set us back on the path toward our destinies in God.

Growth cannot happen without God’s word. In iGroups we take a journey through the Scriptures to discover what God says about our identity in him.

Jesus discipled people over a meal. Food brings people together. In iGroups all the participants and their families will come together once for a meal, getting to know one another’s family.

Jesus and his disciples were on a mission, and as a result they lived beyond themselves. In iGroups we help people move from “self to community”, that’s why we incorporate an outreach component within the 10 weeks together.

One thing Jesus’ disciples understood was that they were meant to disciple others in the way he discipled them. In iGroups we intentionally multiply ourselves by facilitating iGroups for others once we have done one ourselves.