Good leadership begins with being thankful for, and faithful with responsibility. 

Be thankful for responsibility:

When I give someone an opportunity by offering them more responsibility, I can always tell if they’re “put-off” by the mere thought of it. Their face muscles try hard to not disappoint me or give me too much false hope. Their mouth settles somewhere between a frown and a smile. Their eyes stare off into the distance. And then comes the excuses - before they’ve even considered what it is that I’m offering or how it could really benefit them. Usually all they can think is, “I’m too busy.” 

But perhaps they’re too busy with the wrong things. Perhaps they’re wasting their time. Perhaps this opportunity I’m presenting could change their life and contribute to the fulfillment of their dreams. 

See the opportunity, or the ‘pros’ in every offer first, before you start looking for the ‘cons’. It’s like deciding to see the good in a person first. It gets you off on the right foot.

“I’m too busy” should not be your first thought, even if it’s true. “Wow! I’m flattered to be asked,” is the heart response of a future leader. If you are “put-off” before you’ve even considered what’s on offer, then possibly you’re responding out of pride, laziness, or apathy.

Be faithful with responsibility:

“Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ ” (Matthew 5:37 NIV). 

Giving less than your best lacks integrity. Not following through lacks integrity. The decision to be faithful with the responsibility you’ve been given is a decision to be a person of integrity.

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

Another benefit of understanding this is that it will keep your heart from resentment toward your leaders or your boss or your coworkers. It will give you encouragement when things get tough. And it will give you the kind of perspective that keeps you focused and faithful.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10 NIV). 

All responsibility is a test from God. God gives you opportunities to grow you so he can give you more opportunities because he’s shaping you into the person he’s made you to be - a leader for his glory.

Become a Transformational Leader (eBook)

BECOME A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER is the first ebook in the LeaderPack series. The transformational style of leadership emerged in the late 1970’s, beginning with James MacGregor Burns. It has grown to become one of the most popular leadership approaches. In this 22-page ebook, Drew shares the essential components of transformational leadership and offers self-assessments and activities to help you hone your own leadership skills.

Drew has a bachelors degree in Communication and a masters in Organizational Leadership. He has led both a company and a church. With over 20 years experience on three different continents, he’s discovered that the transformational leadership approach is effective in all situations.

If you want more advice related to leadership, then check out our eBook Become A Transformational Leader. It is packed full of great knowledge that will help you grow toward your full leadership potential.

LeadershipDrew Land