When Self-Confidence Is Dangerous


"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God" (2 Corinthians 3:4-5).

The apostle Paul was arguably one of the most influential Christians to ever live. Yet, he placed no confidence in his ability to do anything. He relied thoroughly on the power of the Spirit to lead him and work through him. A simple search for the words “in Christ” or “through Christ” or “by the grace of God” will reveal the extent of his reliance on God. Paul was not a self-confident person. Nor should we be. His confidence was based on what Christ could do through him. There's a difference.

The principle-centered life, as opposed to the Jesus-centered life, directs us to rely on our own efforts or someone else’s best advice, instead of on Jesus himself. And when that happens we become self-reliant, forgetting how helpless we truly are to follow God on our own. Biblical principles are good, but an intimate and intentional relationship with Jesus is even better.

What do you give more attention to: biblical principles or walking with Jesus daily?

Spiritual Gifts (ebook)

Knowing your spiritual gifts will help you to fulfill God's purpose in your life. This ebook can be used in small groups.  Through a spiritual gifts survey, you'll learn which are your primary gifts. You'll also learn how to begin using your gifts for God's glory. Included at the back of the book is a small group guide, taking you step by step through a four week plan to help your small group discover your gifts together.

If you want to learn more about your God given identity and what you are called to then pick up you free eBook Spiritual Gifts eBook you can also use our online Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to easily discover what spiritual gifts are strongest in you