Is God With You?

We read about the Jesus’ great commission to his disciples in the previous post. In the book of Mark, his commision is followed by these words, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it” (Mark 16:20, emphasis added).

Jesus is passionate about discipling the nations. And he’s passionate about doing it with us through the power of the Spirit. We’re not just mercenaries hired to spread God’s fame around the earth; we are sons and daughters of a Father who spared us because of his great love for us and who commissions us because of his great love for others. And he’s intentionally and intimately involved with us in that mission.

Would you say the Lord is working with you? If not, then either you’re not doing what he wants you to do or you haven’t invited him in or you haven’t made room for him. Are any of those things true in your life? What should you do about it?

God wants to work with you. And if God’s offering his power, I’d say that’s a pretty good deal. Take it!

Spiritual Gifts (ebook)

Knowing your spiritual gifts will help you to fulfill God's purpose in your life. This ebook can be used in small groups.  Through a spiritual gifts survey, you'll learn which are your primary gifts. You'll also learn how to begin using your gifts for God's glory. Included at the back of the book is a small group guide, taking you step by step through a four week plan to help your small group discover your gifts together.

If you want to learn more about your God given identity and what you are called to then pick up you free eBook Spiritual Gifts eBook you can also use our online Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to easily discover what spiritual gifts are strongest in you