You Are God’s Idea


“God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female” (Genesis 1:27, The Message).

Let’s get something straight. Adam didn’t ask to be created. Now, at first glance, that might appear to be an incidental point, but take a second look and you’ll see how foundational that observation is when thinking about your own identity.

I once asked to borrow a friend’s BMW. He obliged willingly, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it put him out a little. Now imagine if, before I had asked, I had awakened that morning with the BMW parked in my driveway and the keys in my post box. I would’ve driven his car with a lot more confidence and a lot less doubt.

When it comes to walking in the fullness of our identity in Christ, we all need a lot more confidence and a lot less doubt. Well, be encouraged. You didn’t ask God to be created; it was his idea. That’s got to count for something. You exist because God wanted you to exist. You are his idea.

Ponder that for a moment. How does that make you feel? How should it make you feel?

Now take it a step further. Look at your colleague sitting next to you or your boss across the hall or that guy who’s been getting on your nerves, and think about this: They, too, are God’s idea.

God never reveals a truth about who we are that he doesn’t want to use to help us grow in our love for him and our love for others. God wants you to be secure in your identity, but not just so you can be secure, but also so that you can fulfill your calling to love him and love others.


If you want to learn more about your God given identity and what you are called to then pick up you free eBook Spiritual Gifts eBook you can also use our online Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to easily discover what spiritual gifts are strongest in you

Spiritual Gifts (ebook)

Knowing your spiritual gifts will help you to fulfill God's purpose in your life. This ebook can be used in small groups.  Through a spiritual gifts survey, you'll learn which are your primary gifts. You'll also learn how to begin using your gifts for God's glory. Included at the back of the book is a small group guide, taking you step by step through a four week plan to help your small group discover your gifts together.

IdentityDrew Land